What is ABA?

What is Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Therapy?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the application of the principles of behavior to make socially significant changes in the lives of our clients and their families. By observing, interacting, and analyzing our kids in their everyday settings, we are able to understand how they learn and what motivates them to behave in certain ways. This allows us to determine which applications of ABA will be most beneficial to them and their family. 

C.A.B.S. utilizes teaching strategies beyond discrete trial activities and flash cards at the table.  With an emphasis on remediating the core deficits of autism, our goals address increasing social skills, communication, socially appropriate behaviors, and functional life skills.

As an evidenced based approach to teaching, ABA relies heavily on data collection, analysis, and constant modification of teaching procedures to ensure that an individual is continuously making progress.  Teaching and treatment procedures are regularly modified to ensure learning is constant.


Improving our clients' quality of life is the foundation of all of our treatment goals.  Whether it be increasing communication skills, social interactions, self-regulation strategies, or life skills, our end goal is to ensure that our clients are using their skills independently and in socially significant ways.  Some of the skills that can be addressed include:

  • Independence in self-care routines & toilet training

  • Creating and maintaining social relationships

  • Leisure activities and play skills

  • Emotional and behavior regulation

  • Joint attention and social skills

  • Requesting and communication

  • Flexibility and problem solving

  • Receptive and expressive language skills

In addition to teaching these skills in the home and clinic settings, we are able to target skills in the environments they naturally occur in.  Frequently we support families in community settings including playgrounds, grocery stores, restaurants, and family events.